Read biographies of alumni to understand how their career trajectories were influenced by their curricular or co-curricular choices.
Planning Your Course of Study
- Declaring a major or minor in Interdisciplinary Science
If you are interested in becoming an Interdisciplinary Science major or minor, visit IS Degree Requirements to:
- Review the Program Requirements Worksheet (Check Sheet) and Suggested Four-Year Schedule of courses to meet the requirements
- Complete the Major/Minor Declaration Statement
Selecting Courses
Courses offered in this program incorporate science and math in the context of health, environment, and equity and use a planetary health framework.
To see a list of courses offered in the major and minor, search for courses with the LSCI and LMTH subject codes in the University Course Catalog and filter for the term for which you are registering. Please note that not all courses are offered every semester or every year. The Interdisciplinary Science worksheet indicates when courses are typically offered. Please consult with the Departmental Faculty Advisor, who can assist you in planning your pathway through the major/minor.
Identifying Courses
During registration, use the University Course Catalog to identify Interdisciplinary Science courses. Be sure to tick the box of the semester for which you will be registering. Students are strongly encouraged to supplement the IS curriculum with courses in other areas of study, depending on interest and in consultation with academic advisors. For example, students have completed courses offered by Anthropology, Environmental Studies, Integrated Arts, History, Psychology, and Urban Studies.
Students can search in the University Course Catalog for courses that address these topics by keyword in the title, title and description, and/or subject code (LSCI = Lang Science, LMTH = Lang Math, NFDS = Food Studies, UENV = Environmental Studies, PSAM = Parsons Art, Media, and Technology, NINT = International Affairs, EPMS = Environmental Policy and Sustainable Management, LPSY/NPSY = Psychology, LANT/NANT/GANT = Anthropology, UURB = Urban Studies, UGLB = Global Studies, LCST = Culture and Media Studies).
Courses in Related Programs That Connect to Science and Math
Majors and minors are encouraged to supplement the required curriculum with courses from other areas of study. Below is a sample of courses offered by other departments and schools that add perspectives spanning culture, social justice, and history to topics and issues discussed in IS courses. Students interested in considering courses such as the ones listed below are encouraged to discuss this with the Departmental Faculty Advisor. Please note that many of these courses will not count as satisfying IS requirements.
Courses numbered 4500 are open to undergraduate juniors and seniors. Courses numbered 5000 or higher are graduate level and require the permission of the instructor.
- UTNS 1000 Designing Your Life at The New School—and Beyond
- UENV 2000 Environment and Society
- UENV 2010 Urban Ecosystems
- UENV 3200 Spatial Thinking with GIS
- UENV 3400 Urban Resilience
- UENV 3501 Economics of the Environment
- UENV 3750 Green Roof Ecology
- UENV 4714 Food and the Environment
- UGLB 3245 Social Justice and the Sustainable Food System
- LANT 3110 Migration in the Anthropocene
- LANT 3126 Materiality, Knowledges, Politics: Understanding Race Through Science and Technology Studies
- NANT 3213 Race and Biology
- GANT6410 Science and Society
- LCOD 2000 Code as a Liberal Art
- LCOD 2010 Code Toolkit
- LCOD 2012 Code Toolkit: Python
- LCOD 2013 Code Toolkit: Javascript
- LCOD 2422 Coding Natural Language
- LCST 2109 Beyond Sex and Gender
- LCST 3069 Science/Fiction: Technoculture, Embodiment, and Power
- LCST 3875 Queer Ecologies
- LHIS 2200 Global Environmental History
- LHIS 3036 Oil, Energy, and Power in the 20th Century
- LHIS 3091 Science Technology, Medicine, and Society
- LPHI 3122 Philosophy of Science
- NEPS 5001 Climate Change: Systemic Crisis and Systemic Change
- NEPS 5004 Global Environmental Politics and Policy
- NEPS 5006 Principles of Environmental Science
- NEPS 5013 Renewable Energy Systems
- NEPS 5020 Indigenous Ecologies
- NEPS 5022 Environmental Justice: Race, Class, and the Environment
- NFDS 3714 Food and the Environment
- NINT 5038 Indigenous Politics and Environmental Justice
- UTNS 5210 Mindfulness and Sacred Ecologies
- UTNS 5465 Global Pandemics in an Unequal World
Courses in STEAMD (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math, and Design)
These courses are open to all students and can be found across many departments. Courses that have been popular in the past include the following:
- LNGC 1400 Bio, Art, and Social Justice
- LTHR 2053 Acting for the Camera: Science on Film (community partner: Imagine Science Films)
- LTHR 2917 Theater and Eco-Justice Education (community partners: I Have A Dream and Public School 33)
- LINA 2063 Walking the Edge: Citizen Art and Science on the New York City Shoreline
- UENV 3015 ARTSCI—Environment Lab
- LCST 3267 Art and the Politics of the Earth
- PSDS 2640 Honeybee Colonies: Art, Design, Science, and Culture
- PUDM 2700 Information Visualization
- PSAM 2890 Photography and Climate Change: Art in the Anthropocene
- LLSJ 3505 Visualizing Data
- PSCE 4051 Build Your Own Factory
- PSDS 3530 Collab: Food + Design
- PSAM 5555 Collab: Bio Design Challenge (international competition)
- PSCE 5181 Soft Fab
- PSCE 5500 Bio-Climatic Skins