The primary goal of my research agenda is to explore broadly two facets that influence mathematics instruction. I investigate students' cognitive processes, focusing on their thinking and learning patterns, as well as the individual and contextual factors that impact pedagogical decision-making. Recently, my research has expanded to encompass the field of social justice in mathematics, a passion that I've nurtured for some time.
Prior to receiving my doctorate in mathematics education at Montclair State University, I was a high school mathematics teacher in New Delhi, India. I taught courses ranging from Algebra through Calculus. I firmly believe in building positive teacher-student relationships and adopt a relational stance towards teaching.
Degrees Held
Ph.D in Mathematics Education, Montclair State University, New Jersey
M.S. in Mathematics, Osmania University, India
B.Ed. in Mathematics, Andhra University, India
B.Sc in Mathematics, Andhra University, India
Professional Affiliation
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)
North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME NA)
New Jersey Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMT NJ)
Special Interest Group of the Mathematical Association of American on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (SIGMAA on RUME)
Recent Publications
Paoletti, T., Gantt, A. L., Vishnubhotla, M., & Greenstein, S. (2025). Refining Progressions and Tasks: A Case Study of Design Cycles to Support Covariational Reasoning. Journal of Research in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 8(1), 41-65.
Paoletti, T., Moore, K. C., & Vishnubhotla, M. (2024). Intellectual Need, Covariational Reasoning, and Function: Freeing the Horse from the Cart. The Mathematics Educator, 32(1), 39-72.
Paoletti, T. & Vishnubhotla, M. (2023). Constructing covariational relationships and distinguishing nonlinear and linear relationships. In Akar, G. K., Zembat, İ. Ö., Arslan, S., & Thompson, P. W. (Eds.). Quantitative Reasoning in Mathematics and Science Education (pp. 1333-167, Vol. 21). Springer Nature.
Vishnubhotla, M., Chowdhury, A., Apkarian, N., Johnson, E., Dancy, M., Henderson, C., & Stains, M. (2022). “I use IBL in this course” may say more about an instructor’s beliefs than about their teaching. International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, 1-20.
Paoletti, T., Gantt, A. L., & Vishnubhotla, M. (2022). Constructing a system of covariational relationships: two contrasting cases. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 1-21.
Paoletti, T., Stevens, I. E., & Vishnubhotla, M. (2021). Comparative and restrictive inequalities. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 63, 100895.
Paoletti, T., Lee, H. Y., Rahman, Z., Vishnubhotla, M., & Basu, D (2020). Comparing Graphical Representations in Mathematics, Science, and Engineering Textbooks and Practitioner Journals. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 53(7), 1815-1834.
Vishnubhotla, M., & Munakata, M. (2018). The mathematics of loopy picture frames.
Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 23 (4), 231-235.
Paoletti, T., Monahan, C. & Vishnubhotla, M. (2017). Designing GeoGebra applets to maximize student engagement. Mathematics Teacher, 110 (8), 628-630.
Performances and Appearances
Basu, D., Vishnubhotla, M., & Hua, A. (2023). Analysis of Middle School Mathematics Textbooks to Uncover the Presence of Social Issue Contexts. Proceedings of the 45th Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Reno, NV.
Vishnubhotla, M., Chowdhury, A.H., Johnson, E., & Apkarian,N. (2022). Impact of Calculus Coordination on Instructional Practices: A Preliminary Investigation. Poster presented at the Special Interest Group of the Mathematical Association of American on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (SIGMAA on RUME) in Boston, MA.
Vishnubhotla, M. & Paoletti, T. (2021). Exploring shifts in a student’s graphical shape thinking. Paper presented at the 42nd annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Mazatlán, Sin. Mexico.
Mohamed, M. M., Paoletti, T., Vishnubhotla, M., Greenstein, S., & Lim S. S. (2021) Supporting Students' Meanings for Quadratics: Integrating RME, Quantitative Reasoning and Designing for Abstraction. Paper presented at the 42nd annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Mazatlán, Sin. Mexico.
Vishnubhotla, M. & Paoletti, T. (2020). Differentiating between quadratic and exponential change via covariational reasoning: A case study. Paper presented at the Special Interest Group of the Mathematical Association of American on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (SIGMAA on RUME) in Boston, MA.
Mohamed, M., Vishnubhotla, M., Limbere. A., Banner. A. & Paoletti, T. (2020). Using RME to support PSTs’ meanings for quadratic relationships. Paper presented at the Special Interest Group of the Mathematical Association of American on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (SIGMAA on RUME) in Boston, MA.
Paoletti, T., Vishnubhotla, M., & Mohamed, M. M. (2019). Inequalities and systems of relationships: Reasoning covariationally to develop productive meanings. Paper presented at 41st annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME-NA), St Louis, MO.
Vishnubhotla, M. (2019). Examining students’ shape thinking in differentiating exponential and quadratic relationships. Poster presented at 41st annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME-NA), St Louis, MO.
Vishnubhotla, M., & Mohamed, M. M. (2019). Reasoning with rate of change: Comparing quadratics and exponentials. Presentation given at the 2- Day Annual Conference 2019 of the Association of Mathematics Teachers of New Jersey, Windsor, NJ.
Paoletti, T., Vishnubhotla, M., & Mohamed, M. M. (2019). Reasoning covariationally to develop productive meanings of systems of relationships and inequalities. Paper presented at the 43rd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Pretoria, South Africa: PME.
Vishnubhotla, M. & Panorkou, N. (2019). Explore the distinction between quadratic and exponential growth using dynamic tasks. Presentation given at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, National Annual Meeting & Exposition, San Diego, CA.
Vishnubhotla, M. & Paoletti, T. (2019). Inservice teachers’ distinctions between quadratic and exponential growth. Paper Presented at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Research Conference, San Diego, CA.
Vishnubhotla, M. & Paoletti, T. (2019). Reasoning covariationally to distinguish between quadratic and exponential growth. Paper Presented at the meeting of the Special Interest Group of the Mathematical Association of American on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (SIGMAA on RUME) in Oklahoma City, OK.
Vishnubhotla, M., Paoletti, T., Rahman, Z., Moore, K. & Silverman. J. (2018). Conventions as choices or rules: Teachers’ understandings. Paper Presented at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Research Conference, Washington, DC.
Vishnubhotla, M., Paoletti, T. & Monahan, C. (2018). Exploring limits and approximations of definite integrals using GeoGebra. Presentation given at the NCTM National Annual Meeting & Exposition, Washington, DC.
Paoletti, T., Silverman. J., Moore, K., Vishnubhotla, M., Rahman, Z., Monahan, C. & Germia, E. (2018). Reasoning about quantities or conventions: Investigating shifts in in-service teachers’ meanings after an on-line graduate course. Paper Presented at the meeting of the Special Interest Group of the Mathematical Association of American on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (SIGMAA on RUME) in San Diego, CA.
Paoletti, T., Silverman, J., Vishnubhotla, M., Rahman, Z., Monahan, C. & Germia, E. (2017). Graphing rules or conventions? Teachers understandings. Poster presented at the 39th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME-NA), Indianapolis, IN.
Vishnubhotla, M. & Panorkou, N. (2017). A learning trajectory for visualizing area as a dynamic continuous quantity. Paper Presented at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 2017 Research Conference, San Antonio, TX.
Paoletti, T., Monahan, C. & Vishnubhotla, M. (2017). Designing GeoGebra applets to maximize student engagement. Presentation given at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, National Annual Meeting & Exposition, San Antonio, TX.
Paoletti, T., Vishnubhotla, M., Rahman, Z., Seventko, J. & Basu, D. (2017). Comparing graph use in STEM textbooks and practitioner journals. Paper Presented at the meeting of the Special Interest Group of the Mathematical Association of American on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (SIGMAA on RUME) in San Diego, CA.
Panorkou, N., Vishnubhotla, M. & Basu, D. (2016). Making sense of length times width through dynamic task design. Presentation given at Annual Winter Conference 2016 of the Association of Mathematics Teachers of New Jersey, Windsor, NJ.
Panorkou, N., Vishnubhotla, M. & Basu, D. (2016). Developing students’ thinking of dynamic measurement. Presentation given at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conferences & Expositions, Philadelphia, PA.
Research Interests
Mathematics education, Pre-service teacher education, social justice in mathematics, pedagogical practices of mathematics teachers, inquiry based learning
Awards And Honors
Fulbright Teacher Exchange Program 2012
Quant. Reasoning II: QRM+DV
LMTH 2014, Fall 2024