Lang's General Degree Requirements
In addition to the Psychology courses outlined below, Lang has general requirements, including a minimum number of credits in liberal arts courses and college residency requirements. All students should read these general requirements for all BA and BS degrees and
consult with their Student Success advisor and departmental faculty advisor each semester to ensure that they are on track to graduate.
Students must earn a grade of C or higher in all courses required for the major. Only specific courses satisfy the major requirements, including electives. Courses should be chosen carefully, in consultation with the departmental faculty advisor.
The major in Psychology requires completion of 13 courses, distributed as follows. Track your progress using the program worksheets (below). Psychology courses are not offered in the summer. See the university course catalog for fall 2025 Psychology courses that fulfill these requirements and consult our 4-Year Lang Career Pathways Map (PDF) for helpful steps and resources to link your academic journey to your future plans.
Students may transfer a maximum of three courses from other colleges and universities to the Psychology major, including one NPSY course at the 3000 level and above, to fulfill one of the Lang psychology seminar requirements.
Required Courses
Introductory Course:
- ULEC 2160 Introduction to Psychology Lecture with ULEC 2161 Discussion (fall only; recommended for first year) (3 credits)
Other Required Courses:
- Two Statistics and Methods courses (8 credits):
- Choose one of the following statistics courses (4 credits):
- LMTH 2030 Statistics with SPSS (strongly recommended for second year)
- LMTH 2025 Statistics for Social Sciences (fall only) - LPSY 3601 Methods of Inquiry (recommended for third year students) (4 credits)
- Four LPSY Fundamentals (core) Psychology courses, 2000-level (recommended for first and second years) (16 credits)
- Three approved LPSY psychology electives, 3000–3499 (fulfills integrative requirement; recommended for third and fourth years) (12 credits). Note: NPSY courses do not satisfy this requirement.
- Two LPSY psychology seminars, 3500 level and above (recommended for third and fourth years) (8 credits)
Senior Capstone (3–4 credits)*
- Choose one senior capstone (first semester of senior year). This must be approved by your departmental faculty advisor. Choose from the following two options:
- LPSY 4001 Senior Work Project** (4 credits)
- Graduate-level (GPSY)
course in psychology by permission (3 credits)
*Students can consult the departmental faculty advisor for assistance in planning for the senior capstone.
**For the Senior Project, students working under the guidance of a faculty member in the department of
Psychology either undertake an independent psychological research project or collaborate on ongoing psychological research in the faculty member’s lab. Students should establish contact with a faculty member to
discuss the possibility of undertaking a senior project with them at least one semester before commencement of the senior work. The Student Success advisor for Psychology is available to help coordinate the senior work by assisting students in making
contact with a faculty lab and in other ways. Review the Guidelines for Psychology's Senior Capstone.
Total credits: 50–51