Color Theory
Discover color and its implications for designers and artists, such as the use of color to solve spatial problems. This course also examines color qualities, color harmony, and the way colors interact.
Introduction to Graphic Design
Explore the triad of visual communication — message, form, and audience — and apply this concept to typography, composition, and color. Projects focus on mastery of design fundamentals, as well as the process of ideation, research, prototyping, and testing.
After you complete these courses, your next step will be to enroll in the following:
Digital Graphics with Illustrator
Employ curves, lines, and shapes to make objects. Then color, manipulate, move, duplicate, scale, and rotate these objects to create graphics or artwork that are usable for print and the Web.
Digital Imaging with Photoshop
Acquire a working knowledge of this software platform — the industry standard for print, webpages, animation, presentation, video production, and enhancement of traditional and digital photography.
Graphic Design History
This course surveys graphic design from the mid–19th century through the digital revolution. You will focus on influential movements that include Arts and Crafts, Art Nouveau, Dada, Constructivism, De Stijl, Bauhaus, Neue Grafik, DIY Punk, and today’s
digital landscape.
Three electives
Electives that fulfill certificate requirements include Typography I, Digital Layout: Adobe InDesign, and 3D Modeling Fundamentals.