LtR: Rachel Sherman, Michael E. Gellert Professor in Sociology; and Miriam Steele, Alfred J. and Monette C. Marrow Professor in Psychology
New York, September 30, 2022—The New School for Social Research (NSSR) is pleased to announce the appointment of two faculty members to endowed professor positions. Rachel Sherman, formerly Professor of Sociology, has been named the Michael E. Gellert Professor in Sociology; and Miriam Steele, formerly Professor of Psychology, has been named the Alfred J. and Monette C. Marrow Professor in Psychology.
“A named professorship is the highest honor a faculty member can attain within the academy,” says NSSR Dean William Milberg, “and is based on a long-term record of internationally recognized excellence in scholarship and an ongoing active research profile. Rachel Sherman and Miriam Steele have consistently been among our leading faculty members, with distinguished records of research, teaching, and service. I am thrilled to recognize them with this honor.”
Rachel Sherman is a leading scholar on the topic of social class and the legitimation of inequality in the United States. She teaches and writes on the sociology of work, social movements, identity and interaction, and qualitative methods, and her research is widely discussed in the media. She is the author of Class Acts: Service and Inequality in Luxury Hotels (University of California Press, 2007), and Uneasy Street: The Anxieties of Affluence (Princeton University Press, 2017), and her writing has appeared in magazines and journals such as The New Republic, The Atlantic, The New York Times, American Journal of Cultural Sociology, and Qualitative Sociology. In 2018 she was awarded the Andrew Carnegie Fellowship and has served on the editorial board of numerous academic journals.
The Michael E. Gellert Professorship, endowed in 1990, is named for Michael Gellert, a longtime member of The New School Board of Trustees and the NSSR Board of Governors. The Gellert Professorship has been held by prominent sociologists Alan Wolfe and Jeffrey Goldfarb.
Miriam Steele is a pioneer in attachment research, with more than 35 years of scholarly work on the theory of parent-child attachment, more than 100 articles published, and an extensive record of clinical research in New School labs and in New York City hospitals. She has been at the forefront of empirically grounded studies of intergenerational patterns of attachment, demonstrating a concordance between parental and child attachment patterns. In 2004 she co-founded the Center for Attachment Research where she has led projects that have influenced both psychotherapeutic practices and government policies on child protection and custody. Her writing has appeared in several journals including Developmental Psychopathology, Adoption & Fostering, Attachment & Human Development, and Psychoanalytic Study of the Child.
The Alfred J. and Monette C. Marrow Professor in Psychology was endowed by the Marrow family in 1982. Paul Marrow, the son of Alfred and Monette, is a current member of The New School for Social Research Board of Governors. The Marrow Professor has been held by esteemed psychologists Herb Schlesinger and Arien Mack.