The Academic Policy Committee (APC) facilitates the development of effective and broadly applicable academic policies and processes through three primary functions:
- Assessing and codifying existing university academic policies and operational standards
- Representing their home unit's needs and interests as they relate to any policy under consideration
- Gathering information and insights from across the university and from external sources to inform policy
development - Evaluating potential unintended consequences of new policies and policy changes
Policies are developed with substantive input and insight from group members (faculty, academic administrators, and operational administrators) and must comply with legal and regulatory requirements (including those set by the U.S. Department of Education, NYSED, and MSCHE). Policies are designed to balance the effort to ensure cross-university consistency with the needs of the individual colleges, their constituents, and their administrative units.
Academic requirements and standards are represented by college representatives, and operational needs are represented by key administrators from across the university. Internal policies must comply with external requirements and must be defensible within accepted higher education practices. Upon completion, policies are made accessible to the university community and the public.
We will continue to maintain a focus on evaluating and documenting policies that exist in practice but are not yet codified, as well as policy gaps that affect our compliance with federal guidelines. We will fully integrate with the new institutional policy process. We will also work to articulate an extant policy review timeline and a community-facing policy recommendation process.
Decision Making
APC makes operational and implementation decisions pertaining to existing policy and practice. It makes recommendations to the executive deans, Provost’s Council, and provost for new and revised academic affairs and academic affairs–related policy and practice. These endorsed policies then move into the Institutional Policy Review pipeline, where they are reviewed by all responsible university officers and approved by the executive policy officers before implementation.
- Ryan Gustafson, Associate Provost, Academic Affairs, Chair
Academic Planning
- Grace Hindman, University Registrar
- Max Tremblay, Assistant Provost for Student and Academic Systems
- Prisca Wood, Assistant Provost, Compliance and Accreditation
The Colleges
- Stephen Brown-Fried, Vice Dean for Curriculum and Learning (College of Performing Arts)
- Gina Canterucci, Assistant Dean of Curriculum and Learning (Lang)
- TBD, Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs (NSSR)
- Deirdre McConnell, Assistant Dean, Academic Affairs and Curriculum (Parsons)
- Edward Mills III, Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs, Academic Planning, and Registration (Parsons Paris)
- Joyinn Paulin, Senior Director of Student and Academic Affairs (Schools of Public Engagement)
Curriculum, Learning, and Academic Affairs
- Nikki Cherry, Senior Director for Academic Standards
Enrollment Management
- Jim Deleppo, Director for International Student and Scholar Services
- Sarah Fevig, Associate Vice President, Financial Aid
- Elizabeth Puleio, Director of Transfer, Adult, and Visiting Admission
Student Success
- Keisha Davenport, Assistant Provost of Academic Advising
- Nicholas Faranda, Director of Student Disability Services
- Shondrika Merritt, Associate Provost for Student Affairs and Dean of Students
University Faculty Senate
- Glynis Rigsby, FTF, College of Performing Arts
- Aviva Shulem, PTF, Parsons School of Design
- Marya Cohn, FTF, Schools of Public Engagement
University Student Senate
With Support from:
- TeeShanee Johnson, Assistant Director, Academic Affairs