One of the foundational elements of the New School brand is color. Any visual communication—print, digital, or environmental—must employ our core brand colors to reinforce the university’s identity.
Primary Color Palette
Three core colors form the basis of The New School’s visual identity: Pantone Parsons Red, black, and white. All New School materials should employ the main colors and not use red, black, and white as colors
secondary to others.
Parsons Red
- Pantone Breakdown: Rubine Red (51), Yellow 012 (49)
- CMYK: C (0), M (99), Y (91), K (0)
- RGB: R (232), G (46), B (33)
- HEX: #E82E21
- WEBSITE HEX: #E42A1D (ADA-compliant)
Secondary Color Palette
The New School’s secondary color palette consists of 12 colors: seven traditional Pantone swatches, four fluorescents, and two metallics. This palette was designed to complement the primary palette and was
created from colors appearing in works of The New School Art Collection.
The secondary color palette should never dominate the primary palette of Parsons Red, black, and white.
Please see pages 92–93 of The New School’s Brand Standards Manual for a complete breakdown of the secondary color palette.