The Writing minor is offered through Eugene Lang College of Liberal Arts. This page outlines the requirements for the minor. Students who major in Literary Studies at Lang
BA Literary Studies) can also choose the Writing concentration. Learn more about the Writing program at Lang.
Students in Writing develop a unique authorial voice informed by an acquired familiarity with contemporary and classic styles. Courses emphasize essential communicative and research skills, a profound understanding of craft, and the development of personal
voice in an encouraging atmosphere.
The minor in Writing requires completion of five courses, distributed as shown below, totaling a minimum of 18 credits.
- 1 LLSW introductory writing workshop in primary genre of choice (3–4 credits)
- 1 LLSW intermediate writing workshop in primary genre of choice (3–4 credits)
- 1 LLSW advanced writing workshop in primary genre of choice (4 credits)
- 1 LLST single-author Literary Studies course (4 credits)
- 1 LLST Reading for Writers Literary Studies course (4 credits)
Total credits: 18-20
Students must receive a grade of C or better in all courses taken to fulfill the minor. See the university course catalog for fall 2025 Writing courses that fulfill these requirements.
Minors are available to undergraduate students across The New School. Please meet with your Student Success advisor to discuss how a minor will fit in with your overall degree requirements. If you have additional questions about requirements for the Writing
minor that cannot be answered by your Student Success advisor, please consult Writing departmental faculty advisor Jennifer Firestone at [email protected].
How to Declare or Change a Minor
General guidelines for declaring a minor are available here. Current students can declare or change a minor by logging in to my.newschool.edu,
clicking on the Academics tab, and then clicking on the link to Major/Minor Declarations.